
Aug 2, 2024

It’s a spell in Dungeons & Dragons, a thing that you cast after a character has been killed in combat. It’s used to restore someone who’s only mostly dead … but, like the man in black, it’ll take some time to actually recover.

A week or two ago, was describing something to a collegue, and he suggested that I should write that thing up. Which reminded me that I theoretically had a blog!

I don’t really, because a blog implies acutally writing something, but apparently this site was even more dead than usual. The domain name? Still fully in my control, but when vsiting it … Some kind of spam site? Or just nothing. It appears to have varied over the last few months, looking at the internet archive.

Which is your periodic reminder to actually make sure that your DNS records actually point to an IP address you control. I’d scrapped an old server sometime in the beginning of the year, but never updated all the networking configs.

After fixing the DNS, and at least getting things back online … still a bunch to do. Went ahead and started working on some infrastructure. Jekyll feels pretty stale at this point; it seems like it’s just as update-free as this site has been. So, I spent some time migrating to bridgetown, which started life as a fork, but has been moving on since then. Some differences, but a reasonable migration path.

There are still some additions I want to make; I think one of the things I stalled out on the last time I played with this site was wanting to add a good workflow for diagramming … and now I think I’ll just mixin mermaid.js and try not to get too distracted with infrastructure tinkering.

I guess the other major infrastructure thing is that I’m not going go to through the dance of re-adding disqus …

What was I going to write about? I dunno, that was weeks ago. But I do have some thoughts, and maybe I’ll get to that soon